The Game

Crab Game

Crab Game is a first-person multiplayer game in which you play several different mini-games based on children's games, until only one player emerges victorious.


Crab Game

Crab Game is a first-person multiplayer game in which you fight for the maximum cash price in different mini-games based on children's games, until there is only one player left to claim it all. It's definitely not based on any Korean pop culture TV show, as that would lead to legal problems, so we certainly wouldn't do that.


  • Up to 35 players
  • 28 maps
  • 9 modes of play
  • List of servers
  • Milk

If you are still not convinced to play this game, listen to what satisfied customers have to say:

 “Hey, this game is great” - Jeff

(Photo of Jeff)

 “Very fun to play with my friends and family haha” - Also Jeff

(Another photo of Jeff)


معلومات اللعبة

  • عنوان: Crab Game

  • التصنيفات:

  • العلامات:

  • مطور: Dani

  • الناشر: Dani (0)


واجهه المستخدم أصوات عناوين فرعية

متطلبات النظام

الحد الأدنى

  • OS: Windows 7

  • CPU: Intel Core i3 2,00 GHz

  • RAM: 2 GB

  • GC: Intel HD 520

  • HDD: 200 MB

أحداث داخل اللعبة

ملاحظات التصحيح // إرشاد // دروس

وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي


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